Sunday, August 25, 2013

How I spent my vacation-Part 1: The Ocean, Circus, Park..etc.

Hello sunshines!
  Vacation is something that we all look forward too. Obviously I didn't need to point that out, but I really don't know how to start this. Anyhow, although we have so many things we wish to do on our vacations, we end up doing nothing and waste all that precious time sleeping and stuffing our faces. Well, this summer vacation, I decided I will no longer waste my time sleeping and eating, but waste it on having fun. And so I did.
This will be devided devided into 3 posts. Here, in this post, I will be sharing with you how I spent my vaca, where I went with friends and what I did. So, stick around! I won't bore you out.
When I say summer vacation, you say?
random kids swimming.
Me and my friends have been to the beach quite a lot. Either in the morning for a good swim.
In the afternoon for some stroles at the shore, hanging on the sand, eating icecream..etc.
At night, especially, to hang at cafe's and have icecream and just relax and enjoy the nightly ocean breeze..

I took Lily to the beach once. She's such a scardy CAT!
I couldn't take her as much as I wanted to because most beaches have a no-dogs-allowed policy! And she gets car sick. :/ >.<
You see, the beach is the most famous hanging spot in my city. It's a big boulevard where you can get everything you need to relax and have a good time. Besides swimming and taking boat rides and water-related stuff, there's restaurants, fast foods, clubs, cafe's, hotels, motels, a lot of icecream shops and hanging spots..etc. It's probably the most visited place in my city. That is why I and everybody in here spend a lot of time there.
Here are some cool pictures I found online showing our pretty boulevard:
Well, don't think I spent my whole summer just going to the beach. That can become kind of dull no matter how fun it is. I also went to the circus with a few friends which was in town in June. It was very fun and we took lots of pictures with the Circus stars and an Indian dude. If you ask me, I think we were the ones who made the most noise applauding and whsitling and screaming like crazies during the end of each performance. Even that we caught the attention of some performers and the spotlight was directed to us (by mistake, but it counts! :p )
 Yellow gal all the way!
I'm the clown. My friend, Deer is such a fan girl of Steve's, the circus's master 
of ceremonies or whatever his job's called.. 
Anyway, the guy with the big smile on all the posters around town.
Here are some pictures of the circus that I've found online:

In the poster you see the star of the show. The reason why ladies come in big numbers, Steve Togni (he looks much better in reality).
My reason however is that cute tiger!!
I didn't find him so good looking from the posters, but in reality he's actually pretty handsome. Brightest smile I've ever seen.

The circus crew. This is an italian circus, but it has a lot of people from 
different nationalities.

Not many guys can rock a pair of tights and still look straight. Hats off for that!
I took a quick video of a performance.

   I remember having lots of fun that day. We went to the beach before going to the circus and we played Truth or Dare except we deleted Truth and only kept Dare. Basically, each one of us would give dares to everyone else and there's  no running away from it. Everyone has to do more than one dare, at least. I was given some pretty "easy" dares compared to the others. I was asked to run and jump happily like a little girl or in my case, a retard. I did get a couple of weird looks, but I survived.
   I was asked to walk in the middle of the road, hands above my head. That was a bit embarrasing, I did get a couple of car horns, but it was cool! I was made to talk to strangers and ask them weird questions.. I also gave some cool Dares, I embarrassed a couple of friends pretty well  making them ask very dumb questions to strangers and I enjoyed it!
   One other way to play the Dare game and it is my favorite; is to sing a well-known song and the other person has to know the artist and if they don't, they get the Dare! Since I like singing (badly!), that's how I like to play it.
   I also went to the attraction Park which I haven't gone to in so long! Keep in mind that I live across the street from it. When you get used to something, you just get bored of it. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was awaken at 4 a.m by the sound of music. Not the movie, but actually loud music playing outside.
So, I looked out the window to see that it was a ghost town outside. Everything was closed and everyone was farting peacefully in bed and the radio in the Park was playing music on its own and it never did that before. So, I figured the demons who apparently just moved in were having a late-night party and I had to record it.
It lasted for about an hour or so. after 30 mins of listening to the music, I just kind of got used to it and didn't notice when it stopped.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Why haven't I been blogging?

Hello to my shiny blue diamonds!
I haven't blogged in so so so...-a few hundreds of so's later- so long. And the only excuse I have is: I was in space right between that big dark thing where they flush the Galaxy and the tanning planet, right underneath the cheese planet, just on top of that planet where they make hula hoops (can you believe how much they sell them?) , having a diplomatic argument with not-so-good-looking martians who were trying to cut off the Internet from earth claiming that we, humans, aren't being responsible and using it for all the wrong reasons and for bad and "ill" purposes. Can you believe that? Anyway, we managed to arrive to a settlement. We keep the Internet and they get to abduct as many cows and farmers as they want from our planet. I think we totally nailed it! Stupid martians..
My excuse seems more legit now, does it?
Click on the image to enlarge.
Anyway, this post is basically about me telling a bunch of lies and totally taking you off track so you wouldn't remember what the purpose of it was in the first place. I guess it's a bit late to say what's it about, huh?
Anyway (2), miraculously, this is not going to be a long post. It's just me saying  Hi! And I'm here, I'm not dead. I've just been having a busy and lazy summer and I will give you updates on the next post which is hopefully coming very soon. So, look forward to it! It will be about how I spent my summer. All the useful stuff I've learned to do and have done. Clothes I've bought (I will share pictures). How I had fun and how I did some embarrassing stuff that a complex person such as myself would never think of doing! This summer has been great for me and I hope it's been the same for you or even better. I look forward to read in your comments or maybe your blogs how YOU spent your summer.
I guess this post did turn out kind of long after all. Well, blame it on the martians! Since we're talking about martians, how do you like my new template? I know I change it a lot, but this is most likely for keeps.
That's all for now!
Until next time,
Stay out of trouble-not! And take care!
Bye Byez~

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